I know that being resentful isn't the best personality trait, but I feel it rear its ugly head sometimes. My husband Bret lost a battle to a lifetime of mental health struggles. Even though it was suicide, carried out in ...
Moving on after the losses we face come with challenges that dating did not have before. There is the ghost in the room. The ghost of the life you lived before. My ghost is all over my home in ...
Here I stand at the end of another school year. They go so quickly now, each year seeming to pass faster that the one before. I can honestly say that the passing of time has taught me so much but ...
Not too long into my own widowhood journey, I noticed something that happens once the newness of our loss has worn off for everyone but us: many of my friends, most of my lovely, wonderful support group had all but ...
For those of you that have been following my journey, you know that moving on has been a struggle for me. About a year after Matt died, I tried and quickly knew I was not ready. In the last year ...
Be patient with my heart it has been through so much. Be patient with my heart it experienced young traumas that hardened it. Be patient with my heart it is broken and is trying to put the pieces back together. ...
Why do so many say that the second year of grief is worse than the first? Is it the fact that in the first year, you imagine that by the end of that year some sort of former happiness ...
How do I cope with the raw pain of my grief? 18 things that have helped me survive. The other half of my heart and soul “graduated to heaven” about 18 months ago. It is so hard to believe 1 ...
Thursday afternoon after spending the day learning some great things at a conference. Tools that I am going to apply to my life and career. When someone was talking about benefits and the value of giving life insurance, the example ...
I am a firm believer in signs. Angels, messages, and even visits from the departed - I believe in it all. I have touched on these little signs and visits in other blogs, but when it happens again, I feel ...