Five years ago I was woken up by a hospice nurse telling me my husband had passed away. She said she was sorry, as he had left faster than anyone had expected, and they weren’t able to walk me through ...
Radical acceptance. I have learned as a widow that we are all walking around with wounds no one will ever be able to see. I’ve also learned as a widow that all I’ve ever wanted is for people to just ...
You are not the sole keeper of all things Cory (insert your partner's name here). You do not need to be the sole keeper of all memories. I felt so much pressure when he died. How will I tell ...
Suggestion: Don’t take everyone’s advice. No one knows the intricacies of your widowhood. Don’t let anyone tell you what you should do and when you should do it. In time, you will get your routine down and see ...
You have the power to decide to look at this like a burden or an opportunity to show empowerment. You get to decide at each moment how to view it. Please know that you are absolutely allowed to have a ...

Suggestion: If you have people that count on you on a daily basis, try and get your shit together enough to be there for them at least briefly each day.
Suggestion: If you have people that count on you on a daily basis, try and get your shit together enough to be there for them at least briefly each day. If those people are your children, they need you. ...

See a counselor/therapist/psychologist/life coach/spiritual guide/ whatever you may call it, seek them out.
Suggestion: See a counselor/therapist/psychologist/life coach/spiritual guide/ whatever you may call it, seek them out. If the first, second or third said guru does not help, it’s not you, it's them. It is a process to find a helper that actually ...
Lots of people will do things for you initially. Suggestion: Try to realize that act was more about them dealing with their own bullshit or fear, or worried about their karma, than actually doing something because they are a ...
Suggestion : You need to tell people what you need. Be specific. I met a young widow (very young, in her 20’s, her fiancé died in an avalanche...tragic), and she had posted on social media an extremely specific list ...
Own your grief, but don’t let grief own you. You’ve been through hell on Earth. You’ve endured a loss only few can comprehend. You get to cry whenever you feel like it, for whatever reason. You get to be a ...