On the way home the other night, I was asked out by my uber driver. No, that is not the intro to a bad joke, it actually happened. Romance at its finest, right? I literally laughed out loud. And then ...
When Jared died, I swore I would never date again. Never love again. Never let someone else parent my child. Well, how things have changed. 26 months after Jared died, he sent me an incredible man. A man who loves ...
The truth is, widowhood can be a pretty lonely place. From in-laws who blame us for our spouse’s death to friends who avoid us simply because they are unsure of how to handle our grief, widows can often feel isolated. ...
Summer Time Driving around in my car with the roof open listening to Beyonce new cd in June the second day of summer. However, someone is missing and that someone is my Devan. He should be here riding with ...
Your “Chapter Two” they call it in the Widow/Widower world. It is when you find love again after the loss of your spouse. I didn’t understand how that could even be possible. I did speak with some widows that found ...
The old-fashioned widow, the one that society pictures, is an asexual creature, draped in black, content to live on memories and a nice needlepoint project. But that’s the widow of yesteryear. Many of us are dating again looking for a ...
This blog post may seem a bit all over the place, however; bare with me. I have a lot of thoughts in my mind at this moment. As I sit in my condo looking out the window on this Christmas ...
When I was running a couple of weeks ago, I rubbed my thumb against my ring finger to wiggle my wedding band. I’ve been widowed for four years and stopped wearing my rings well over three years ago. The phantom ...
It didn’t hurt until it hurt. Like hot lava running in my veins. I balled up my fists and put a smile on. I knew it was coming. Eventually all feelings come full circle. This decision had been mine. Made ...