New Year same grieving Widow. As I sat alone in my house nursing my spiked eggnog watching a romance movie that ended up not being the happy ending type of movie and bawling my eyes out as I felt for ...
A few months back I read a post from a widow that inspired me. There are a lot of people who write about the importance of acknowledging gratitude and counting your blessings… and this is a very good thing to ...
Intimacy is what I miss most when I think about my husband Frank. All the ways two people are intimate with each other doesn’t always involve sex. It’s the little things that make up a life together. It’s the little ...
The Christmas season is such an important time. My husband and I loved this season because it is filled with hope, giving thanks, and spreading joy. We sing about peace on earth. We spend time with family and friends making ...
Opposition will always greet you at the door of transition. But God is greater! When my husband went to Heaven I felt like I was trapped in a snow globe. The world was outside my sphere of residence, continuing on ...
He was right. When you put one foot in front of the other, after your husband died, it may have taken awhile, but did you - at any point - begin to run? Or just jog, maybe, but still clearly ...
“You look like shit.” That’s what my oldest brother said to me as I got in the car one morning. It was the summer of 1983, and I was a junior in high school. As part of our morning routine, ...
November always sends me thinking about what I’m thankful for. We are so blessed to take time every year to celebrate our blessings. It’s time to thank God for all He does for us. Humbly acknowledging the people in our ...
The fuchsia-pink pool noodle Rick bought me is starting to decompose around the edges. The memories of that last vacation we shared are starting to fade around the edges, too. How can a pool noodle come to mean so much ...