I am a workaholic and would rather be at home alone than go out. To move on and start dating I am trying online dating. And it has not worked in my favor yet. When I first got this brilliant ...
The below creative nonfiction piece was recently published in Heartspace II: Real Life Stories on Loss and Renewal, an anthology collection edited by Cathy Brooks Edwards. This is second book in the Heartspace series and states that it is “an ...
As I walk in, I can feel the cold of the room being met with the warmth of the souls entering it. I find a seat and sit down. Staring towards a section of empty seats, I find myself ...
Christmas morning, I wake up in my house alone. Just the cat and the dog are with me. A strange feeling passes over me. One of longing. Christmas has not felt like it used to since 2020. Yesterday I was ...
A few months back I read a post from a widow that inspired me. There are a lot of people who write about the importance of acknowledging gratitude and counting your blessings… and this is a very good thing to ...
Intimacy is what I miss most when I think about my husband Frank. All the ways two people are intimate with each other doesn’t always involve sex. It’s the little things that make up a life together. It’s the little ...
Yesterday marked the one-year anniversary of buying my home. Somehow that does not seem possible but then I remember that I did not move into the house in June and that is probably why this time has seemed to fly ...
Oh how those Facebook memories love to pop up when my life is moving along almost as if things are normal and nothing has changed. Haven’t I always lived alone here in my ranch home? Wasn’t my daily routine always ...
The Grieving Grinch With the holiday season upon us, let us take the time to acknowledge that not only is it the most wonderful time of the year, but the worst and hardest time of the year. Some might ...
I am glad that my stepson is still part of my life every time I have him for the day it makes my soul happy. This is the first weekend that he has spent at the new house. In the ...