Lots of people will do things for you initially. Suggestion: Try to realize that act was more about them dealing with their own bullshit or fear, or worried about their karma, than actually doing something because they are a ...
“Knowing what you know now would you do it all over again?” The short answer is YES. The long answer is Hell YES. I would stop and ask a stranger for directions because that is how we met and he ...
Yesterday, Rick and I would have celebrated our 24th wedding anniversary. It was the third one since he’s been gone. I made it through the fog of the first one. By the second one, I had adapted to life alone, ...
“Hello darkness, my old friend…” are the haunting lyrics of the beginning of the Simon and Garfunkel song, “The Sounds of Silence,” that have ebbed and flowed their way through the American musical fabric over the years. I know I ...
Own your grief, but don’t let grief own you. You’ve been through hell on Earth. You’ve endured a loss only few can comprehend. You get to cry whenever you feel like it, for whatever reason. You get to be a ...
7/7/2001. Twenty years ago today Steve and I got married on a sun-drenched veranda overlooking the hills , under a rose-embellished gazebo, witnessed by 210 of our closest friends, family, and absolute strangers (aka our parents' friends we'd never met ...
“When you die and I move to Finland**” is often heard in the house where I live. Always from the friend I live with to her husband of 10 years. It is always said rather matter-of-fact and casual; “babe take ...
It’s weird and very random (or is it?), the things we remember from childhood. I have a vivid memory of driving in the car with my mom and my sisters when she told us she had now had her married ...
"No man (or woman) steps in the same river twice, for it's not the same river and (s)he's not the same (wo)man."--Heraclitus I live near the Green River, drive across it a few times a day, walk next to it ...
How to be a Bad A$$ Widow (hell yes that’s all capitalized, we’ve earned it) Tricia R. Kauffman Let me start off by saying I thought I was a bad ass/independent woman prior to all of this. I learned ...