I’ve been thinking lately that I don’t really identify as a widow much anymore. In two months, Rick will have been gone three years. I don’t know how that’s possible, but it’s true. I have carved out a new life ...
I can’t imagine trying to choose a headstone or a casket in the trauma that comes with death. I have great respect for people who are able to think clearly enough to make those choices. I wasn't ready. In fact, ...
Losing the man you love isn’t for the faint of heart. It’s H-A-R-D! You lose your partner, the person you chose to become one with, and quite often the person with whom you created children. Recovering from that loss takes ...
It had been months since a smile had formed on my lips that didn’t betray my pain. And while joy seemed more like a Hollywood movie than a reality, I craved it to the point of longing. It was ...
Y’all, do you see that adorable little girl graduating from kindergarten? Isn’t she just precious!?!? Well, that adorable little girl has turned into this beautiful young lady. She is smart, hard working, and witty. I can’t even believe that she ...
It’s the beginning of my eighth week of isolation - quarantining during the coronavirus pandemic. It’s a beautiful sunny day in Michigan. I can finally see summer around the corner! My mood is as sunny as the day, because I’m ...
One of my favourite inspirational speakers is a child psychologist named Dr. Jody Carrington. She speaks of the importance to connect to our community of friends and family. We are wired to do hard things, but those hard things are ...
Living without him. This is something I'm still grappling with after all this time. Shortly after Mike died I remember thinking, "We're all so young. I still have so many years ahead of me, God-willing. How am I going to ...
I never would describe myself as strong. People have told me, "you are a strong woman". But I don't always see myself that way, but I should. I have survived one of my worst nightmares, my lowest low and fought ...
I’m a hugger. A cuddler. A squeezer. Touching and affection are powerfully important elements that keep me happy, sane, and functioning. I know I’m not alone in this. Quarantining is wreaking havoc with the psyches of many of us who ...