The last 6 years have been a journey for me. A journey into grief. A journey of survival. A journey to living. And on this journey of widowhood there has been much to learn. I've learned that I'm stronger ...
I wrote drafts for this blog at the end of February and beginning of March, but nothing I wrote then is relevant now. The world has changed completely. I am on high alert. I am supposed to be telecommuting, teaching ...
I am not the same person I use to be. Everyone said it would happen. It’s true, I am different. How could it be any other way? Everything in my world changed so of course it makes sense that ...
"Have you lost your husband?" I had that question asked yesterday by a complete stranger. It was while visiting a home show, four pavilions with an endless supply of home building and improvement vendors. I was walking around by myself ...
Recently I had the opportunity to take part in a grief photo shoot. Sounds crazy, right? But actually it is one of the most therapeutic things I have done in my grief journey. When this opportunity was presented ...
When Tim first passed away, I was numb. I went through the motions; making funeral arrangements, accepting condolences from friends and neighbors who stopped by and ultimately getting through the funeral service. That numbness stayed with me for at least ...
I knew my husband pretty well, I think. When someone is your soulmate...and he was...I believe I know what he'd say to me about me. He used to say some of these things directly to me, so I'm pretty confident ...
My friend Jo sent me a Facebook memory. Three years ago today, I was with Rick on the Florida gulf. We were sitting with Jo watching a gorgeous sunset in Rick’s favorite spot on Madeira Beach. I sat staring at ...
When grief is at its heaviest and we are lost in it, it is so hard to imagine a light at the end of the tunnel. It can become very easy to just get lost in the dark. So ...
I’ve never been depressed. I was always proud of the fact that through all of my mental health issues I could confidently say ‘I have never been depressed’. Don’t get me wrong, I have felt depressed. I am a ...