Six months after my husband passed away, I sold our family home and moved into the city to eliminate my 45 minute daily commute to work. I’m not really an interior decorator kind of girl, so the remaining hodge-podge collection ...
Your “Chapter Two” they call it in the Widow/Widower world. It is when you find love again after the loss of your spouse. I didn’t understand how that could even be possible. I did speak with some widows that found ...
It has been one year since Jerry died. 12 months, 52 weeks, 365 days. It feels like it just happened, yet feels like forever since I last saw him, held him, kissed him. I want to share my knowledge of ...
One of the greatest things about relationships and marriage is that you get to share it with someone you love. As your relationship/marriage evolves, a foundation for life is built between the two of you. Together, the people in the ...
They were right. The second year of grief is worse. No longer in shock, no longer drowning in tears. I’m no longer numb to my new reality. The hurt runs deeper, it cuts more. I’ll have flashbacks of the first ...
Recovering from grief takes time. I went to the movies by myself last week. It’s the first time I’ve ever done that. I couldn’t do it before because seeing the empty seat next to me was just too painful. ...
A new year holds exciting possibilities! New chances to make your life more joyful, be more intentional, new relationships, working on being more healthy, mindful and creating yourself. It’s also an opportunity to reflect on what you learnt in the prior year ...
Next month will be a year that Jerry is gone. I am going through this month keeping busy subconsciously, because I think I need to avoid the triggers. It was this month last year that Chemotherapy started, and how horrible ...
Cam was the one who taught me how to peel oranges. I remember spending an entire weekend at his Dad’s doing nothing but having orange peel offs. Our hands smelled of citrus for weeks. Honestly he always had a slight ...