The first year or two after losing Rick, every memory that popped into my mind was an emotional trigger that sometimes made me sob, and other times just brought on some quiet tears. The trick was learning to handle these ...
Our first apartment was on a little street in Etobicoke called Callowhill drive. It was a sweet street that shared two high-rise apartments and a bunch of houses. Where kids learned to ride their bikes on the quiet laneways. Neighbours ...
I never realized that my brother-in-law – H, scrunches up his nose when he gets laughing. David used to do the same thing and it was the moment I realized they did look like brothers. We often teased H about ...
Today I was thinking back to five years ago. It had been almost 2 years since Jared died. 23 months to be exact. And I realized just how much healing can happen in one weekend. And just how much one ...
I met him when I was 26 years old and we married at 28. By 42, I was a suicide widow and single mom to two children. Post-loss, I found healing in somatic and family therapy, yoga, meditation and other ...
When Seth died, a dear friend who had also just recently lost her husband suggested I fill my social media feed with inspirational quotes. She told me she found it was better than seeing a news feed full of happy ...
As I was making a left turn behind an unusually slow moving car, I gripped my steering wheel agitatedly and blurted out, "Why are you driving so slow?! You're stopping the flow of traffic. UGH!" And then I saw it. ...
“Hello darkness, my old friend…” are the haunting lyrics of the beginning of the Simon and Garfunkel song, “The Sounds of Silence,” that have ebbed and flowed their way through the American musical fabric over the years. I know I ...
Own your grief, but don’t let grief own you. You’ve been through hell on Earth. You’ve endured a loss only few can comprehend. You get to cry whenever you feel like it, for whatever reason. You get to be a ...
So true. I would have never thought that at 38 I would lose the love of my life and become a widow. I thought widowhood was for older people, I had no idea. I remember getting all of this “advice” ...