I catch myself talking out loud a lot when I’m alone in the car. Luckily, nowadays, the passengers in the cars around me assume I’m on a hands-free phone, so it doesn’t seem strange to see me alone gabbing away ...
I lost one pound this week. My winter diet of donuts and wine was not working out after all. It was fun while it lasted, but it’s time for me to take back control. I’ve had enough to hurt about, ...
For the past few months, life has been pretty good. I have my vision board in place, and lots of activities and plans and dreams for my future that keep me occupied. I’ve been writing up a storm, and was ...
When my husband was dying, the only thing he requested was that Freebird by Lynyrd Skynyrd be played at his graveside service. It was not the song I would’ve expected him to request. Jared was a huge, huge Led Zeppelin ...
When we buried Todd, I longed to sleep at his gravesite. I actually took my sleeping bag to the service and was nearly asleep next to his mound of dirt when Todd’s best friend roused me and escorted me away ...
I like my house now. I like living here alone. I like the comfort of my own home. I like the feeling I get when I pull in my garage and appreciate that I have a safe, warm, attractive place ...
I have a four-year-old and I am exhausted! So I would like to share 4 things that I have I learned that have helped me navigate in this new normal: Slow down. We live in a world where everything is ...
I’ve been fortunate in that I’ve never had a serious illness or major operation, or any other traumatic physical malady. I’ve never suffered any physical affliction that required months to heal or physical therapy to get back on my feet, ...
As I draw closer to the end of year two, I realize I no longer feel married. That sounds dumb, since Rick's been gone for so long, but after twenty years of marriage, I still felt like his wife, no ...