One question that I have seen quite a bit in various widow's groups is "should I sell the house and start fresh?" Everyone seems to have an opinion on the topic. Some say yes. Some say no. Some say they ...
When Matt died, I went back to work immediately and until this week I would have told you that I was healing. I realized this week that instead of dealing with my feelings and emotions I instead put on this ...
There are many things I do not like doing… things that were not supposed to be mine to do. When you lose a spouse, you are so consumed with your grief that you don’t realize for months or possibly years ...
It's pretty evident if you have read any of my blogs that I have been processing anger toward my late husband, Bret. It wasn't always that way, however. In the early days and months after his tragic self-imposed death, I ...
I feel lost. Like a boat out to sea that can’t find its way out of the storm. The waves are crashing in on the deck. I look around and I am alone. No place to put down my anchor. ...
It has been almost 8 years since Jared died. Eight years that feel like yesterday and forever at the same time. Eight years and so much has changed. Eight years and I have learned so much. I have learned ...
Why Don't You Get Out There & Date??? Are you tired of hearing these questions? Why are you so picky What are you waiting for Are you putting yourself “out there” Singles are "singled" out everywhere There is no denying ...
Matt and I would have been married eight years this coming Tuesday we were only married six. On our fifth anniversary we took a trip to Maine by ourselves it was our only vacation alone. This year I am packing ...