I don’t remember October. I think I wished it away because it is the month in which my love died and because it felt like the unofficial start of the holiday season, which I had been dreading. I didn’t even ...
November 13th is a special day in our household. This day was the day my husband was born. The second year after my husband’s death, I wanted to find a way to commemorate his fun-loving and adventurous personality. In honor ...
Children grieve in their own way. In their own time. And we need to support them in their grief. Today, Children’s Grief Awareness Day is a day to remember that children grieve differently. That children hurt too. That children need ...
You are right in however you feel about grief. If you feel this the hardest thing you have ever gone through, you are right. And if you feel that no one understands this pain as you do, you are not ...
The holidays are such a hard time of year. During this time of year, I always miss Jared even more. I wish he was here to go to the pumpkin patch. To help Steven carve his pumpkin. To help scare ...
Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable – if anything is excellent or praiseworthy – think about such things. Philippians 4:8 Sometimes it would be really easy to ...
If you are reading this, you are probably either a widow or a survivor of loss. Nobody on this planet is immune from loss. Everyone will eventually deal with grief and loss, and each person manages it differently. For my ...
Halloween is my second favorite holiday. It’s a holiday my late husband and I always enjoyed celebrating. After our son was born, Jared could not wait for Steven to get old enough to do “scary Halloween.“ Steven was nine ...