I love when a new year begins, it’s a time to spend time taking stock of yourself and the things that need to change. This year, my New Year resolution was to concentrate on self-care. Self-care is a word that ...
New years are usually preceded by celebration along with fireworks and music. There is reflection on the events of 2023 and resolutions for 2024. The resolutions are intended to help us improve how we feel about ourselves and reestablish our ...
Whoever said “it gets easier with time” lied their asses off. They were either delusional or just downright bat shit crazy. Apparently, they never experienced the death of someone they loved with every fiber of their being because there’s no ...
Most widows wonder what our deceased spouses would say to our new loves. Here is a completely fictional, but hopefully comforting letter. A letter to the man who gets to love my family after my death. When you get to ...
It’s funny what you remember after a loved one dies. All the little details get stored in your brain like one big flash drive of memories just waiting to be downloaded at a moment’s notice. But nothing jogs the memory ...
What kind of widow are you? & What kind would you like to be? Widow is a word that feels tattooed to my flesh against my will. Try as I might to scrub it away, conceal it, or pretend I ...
Widowed Single I just completed my taxes this year, and I cried (again!, because I did the same thing last year) when I had to check the “Single” box. There is a reason that we always check off “Widowed” on ...
Intimacy is what I miss most when I think about my husband Frank. All the ways two people are intimate with each other doesn’t always involve sex. It’s the little things that make up a life together. It’s the little ...
Solo Parent? “I can’t imagine what it will be like to be a single parent.” A friend said this to me at lunch only a few weeks after my husband died suddenly from a heart attack. I think I just ...