It’s strange to always be walking around with Kenny. I named it Kenny, because if something is going to hang out for this long, it ought to be named. I also asked Google, my therapist, and ChatGPT about it, all ...
I loved Valentine's Day when I was a kid. At school, everything would be decorated in pretty pinks and reds, with little hearts everywhere. Oh and chocolate. Did I mention that there was chocolate? We'd get to knock off school ...
In addition to widows oftentimes finding their support network dwindling and their friends fading into the background, sometimes we may even find ourselves being blamed for our spouse's life coming to an end. I can't speak for those who have ...
Forecasts of the coming storm started flashing across social media about three days before it actually hit us, which gave me time to head to Walmart for supplies. My youngest daughter and I go backpacking a lot, so we dug ...
Five Years as a Widow: A Journey of Grief, Growth, and Resilience It’s hard to believe that five years have passed since I became a widow. In some ways, it feels like it was just yesterday when my world turned ...
A few years back, I managed to work through a good deal of grief and trauma related to my husband's suicide. I had forgiven him early on, but it took time to fully accept things. I was proud of myself ...
Often people are stumped at what to get for their friends during the annual holiday gift-giving season. If the friend happens to be widowed, you might be scratching your head wondering what you could possibly do to bring a little ...
It's that blessed time of year again when people are frantically prepping for another holiday season! However, I am happy to say that I am not as daunted by it as I normally am. Oh, sure, all of the same ...
I went for my Sunday walk on the industrial estate where I have a magnificent view of “Barrie’s rock”. 😊 When I walk alone, I always have my phone with me and listen to news or music. This particular Sunday, ...
If I had one bit of advice - and possibly a magic wand to help make it so - I would advise new widows to make sure that they give themselves ample time to grieve, post-loss. Of course, this goes ...