Why me? I have asked that question so many times this year. Why me? Why us? Why didn’t we get the happy ending? In this day and age with social media it is hard not to be envious of other ...
Forrest Gump's mother was certainly wise with her iconic life lesson "Life is like a box of chocolates you never know what you are going to get" I have found that the grief process has been exactly like a ...
Giving birth was my first true injection of empowerment as an adult. When my oldest was born, I waddled into that hospital at 25 still very much a child. A few days later, I walked out a woman. With each ...
On the 2 Year anniversary of my husband's passing, I can say with absolute certainty that Year 2 was no better or easier or less painful than Year 1. It was excruciatingly difficult and so, so lonely. But, as widows, ...
“What is in a Year?” I’m not even sure I know how to answer that question. I tell people all the time that I lost a year of my life. I remember very little of this past year. I have ...
Life's Disappointments After losing our spouse, we live experience one of life’s biggest disappointments. It is a moment where we cannot articulate our emotions without tears racing down our face. At times it feels like we have just placed a ...
Taking Time to Breathe For the past 10 months (since I lost Pat) I have tried many different avenues of self-care to find some small spaces of time to take a break from grief. These are some of the things ...
Back in May, I decided to go on a grief recovery retreat. In Alaska. In my typical dramatic fashion of doing anything worth doing, I figured that flying to Alaska would help me find some answers about how to move ...
This week we celebrate National Grief Awareness Day. So today I would like to try to describe what grief feels like to me. Grief is like living in a bubble. A clear bubble where you can see the rest of ...