It is all too well known that many of us get cut loose from our friend groups when our loss becomes too much for others to take. This doesn't always happen, but it does happen a lot. As a consolation ...
It is the happiest time of the year or at least that is what we are told. But for some, this time of the year comes with sadness and grief. It is not that we are not happy to celebrate ...
...with him. Sometimes I imagine what a conversation with my late husband Bret, would be like. Let's say he's given some kind of temporary earth pass (which I think some dreams might actually be) to sit down and catch ...
This is the time of year when we start hearing a lot about what we're thankful for. I love turning the focus of the upcoming holidays to something that celebrates gratitude for many reasons, one of which is the fact ...
Current Location: Heaven I like that I know exactly where you are. I think you and my mom hang out and do weird things together. That pair of pigeons crapping on my deck are suspect. Those ...
There was a time that doesn't seem all that far back when I wasn't a widow. No matter the strife, nothing changed the fact that my husband was my husband, and I was his wife. We did all that husband-and-wife ...
Add this to the unending list of peeves that plague the widowed: when people refer to our late spouses as exes! Unless you were permanently split up when they passed, these are not our exes. (And for those who were ...
Second Chance When Matt first died my heart was so broken I didn't think I would try to love again. After a year I thought maybe I could but realized I couldn't. But I took the time to heal ...
It's THAT time of year again... This is the time when almost everyone I know is utterly befuddled by my seasonal despondency. Everyone is so excited about the loveliness of Fall. Many are just as excited by the impending holidays. ...
The time of year has hit where there ae so many days that have meanings to me but really no one else. Literally I can sit and relive each day from today though November 3, 2019. Many sounds even trigger ...