It typically takes a butterfly 7-14 days to emerge from its chrysalis. I am past the seven-year mark now and still trying to hatch. Before I met Bret, I was a completely different person than I am now. And that's ...
We have a choice when it comes to our own grief. We can deny it, stifle the tears, stuff it down, cover it over, and try to bury it. Or we can cry a river, sob, wail, pound our pillow ...
This is a question that I have heard many times. Others who have suffered a great loss likely have as well. Some get offended by it (honestly, rightfully so) but I've made my peace with it. I even opted to ...
“I just want my friend back.” If anyone is familiar with the R&B artist MusiqSoulChild, you know exactly where the title of this piece comes from. MusiqSoulChild is an artist kind of low on the totem pole of ...
Grief is heavy. It’s unpredictable, exhausting, and often isolating. Losing a spouse shifts the ground beneath you, leaving cracks in places you never expected. And when you’re in the depths of grief, the idea of gratitude might seem impossible—how can ...
I am an avid reader, and I have been since I was small, when I first learned that the weird little markings on the pages of a book could magically tell my brain a story. Multiple genres could be considered ...
How many tears have you cried since your husband died? Probably enough to fill an ocean; or so it may seem. In the beginning, however long that may be, it feels as if they are non-stop. The slightest thing can ...
It’s strange to always be walking around with Kenny. I named it Kenny, because if something is going to hang out for this long, it ought to be named. I also asked Google, my therapist, and ChatGPT about it, all ...
I journal every day. I have been talking to him through my writing and in my head. I speak to him through the pictures I have around the house. I watch videos of him, yet, it’s barely been a year ...
I loved Valentine's Day when I was a kid. At school, everything would be decorated in pretty pinks and reds, with little hearts everywhere. Oh and chocolate. Did I mention that there was chocolate? We'd get to knock off school ...