The 7-year anniversary for Jared’s death or his angelversary as I call it, didn’t hit me as hard this year. The first year I was kind of numb, grateful to have survived that awful first year. The second year, ...
Yes, wardrobe. Why, oh why would a Widow's wardrobe be questioned? Before we get too far, I will say that I enjoy using humor in my writing and in dealing with my own grief. This is going to ...
How awesome would it be to have widow cards? A friend knows you are going to do something hard and they just send you a card that says “I know this is going to feel like your heart is breaking ...
It cannot be stressed enough that a good support system is one of the most helpful things a new widow (or any widow in general) can have. In the early days of my loss, I pretty much had a whole ...
In reading the post Widowhood Prepared Me For a Pandemic by Carla Duff, from April 16, 2020, I was struck by several things. It was written three days after we found out my husband had a mass on his pancreas, ...
It will always be the burnt hot pocket and the meaning behind it that gets me. You see, I burnt my son's hot pocket, I cooked it for 20 mins instead of 2. That's the story we still to this ...
“Some things are forever.” — Wanda I am a gigantic nerd, and I’m weird. I admit it. I have seen every Marvel Universe movie made, and have watched the television shows produced by the company. A love for these ...
Since becoming a widow I have become much more aware of grief. I have become personally connected to a handful of new widows in the past year and have been able to reach out to them with an empathy I ...