There’s no one size fits all solution for coping with grief for widows. There is, however, one thing that is so versatile it will likely be something nearly every widow can benefit from. I’m talking about music. The right music ...
Photo by Skye Hatten Photography On Thursday, it was six months since I lost you. It was also your 41st birthday. I can’t believe it’s been 6 months since I last heard you say my name and I last felt ...
I was once a firm believer in miracles. But then my life became tumultuous, culminating eventually with my husband unaliving himself. I had seen him pull through a life-threatening illness. I had seen him rise above multiple personal and legal ...
Have you heard of Breathwork? According to Wikipedia, Breathwork is a term for various breathing practices in which the conscious control of breathing is said to influence a person's mental, emotional, or physical state, with a therapeutic effect. This concept is ...
God is clear in the Bible we can expect challenges. Endurance is not giving up. It is choosing to continue moving no matter the hardships. How many of us once thought grief was a temporary condition? Who among us once ...
My first grief therapy experience was a disaster – a Freudian approach connecting everything back to sex and my parents that left me feeling more broken and bewildered than when I began. The counseling was shoved in my face about ...
Tomorrow would have marked the 14th anniversary of a marriage that ended four years ago. Instead of a celebration, it’s a reminder of a chapter that closed painfully. There's a saying that you only fail when you quit, but I’m ...
I was reading the other day about a new epidemic in the US. It’s an epidemic of loneliness and it is affecting people young and old. The interesting thing about the article to me was its observation that people today ...
I miss my husband every minute of every day. When the good things happen, I want to rush home and tell him all about every detail. When I am weary, the day was a let down, and things don’t go ...
Over the years, in various blogs, I have shared that my late husband, Bret, wasn't exactly the easiest person to be around. Oh, sure he could absolutely be the life of the party. But at home, with no one new ...