Grief Awareness Day. Yes, there really is such a thing. A day to educate others about grief. About love, loss, and loneliness. Until you have experienced grief from your losing your spouse, you cannot understand it. Until you become ...
Parents love their children in a manner that cannot be explained. A love that makes you willing to give your life for someone else. A love that makes your own happiness less important than theirs. A love that parents understand ...
Raising three boys that love sports really leaves me no choice but to begin each Fall with a cram-packed schedule of practices, scrimmages, games, etc. In the midst of the instant chaos, my heart is weary for the man who ...
When my husband died, the last thing I wanted was to be at home. Being in our house without him was just too painful. Coming home from work and him not greeting me at the door hurt my soul. Attending ...
Can We Please Stop: Dreading going places where people might feel sorry for us? Girl, sit alone if you want and read your book. Go to a movie by yourself or dinner. Go to the party where you know it ...
I recently had someone tell me that because I am remarried that I am not a widow. And I found this so offensive. Yes, I decided to move forward with my life. Yes, I found love again when I completely ...
I am unsure if I have fully come to terms with the word “widow”. I don’t wish that title upon anyone at all. I am also unsure if I am qualified to be called a widow. You see, Adrian and ...
Some days I just don’t want to. I don’t want to leave the house. I don’t want to follow through on obligations or promises. I don’t wanna anymore. When I feel this way, I wish someone would yank me out ...
In one week, my new husband will arrive here in Florida. We will no longer have two homes, in two different states. We will no longer have a long distance marriage. We will finally be a married couple, living under ...
The mind of a solo parent is like a one legged duck trying to swim. I am in constant turmoil with what the right thing to say or do might be and my biggest concern is trying so hard to ...