Why Him? Why Then? Why is the question that I ask a lot. But I know the answer to that why. He was a juvenile diabetic who didn’t always take care of himself. When he had chest pain he ignored ...
This week begins what I refer to as our six weeks of grief hell. Sunday is Mother's Day. Friday is Steven’s 18th birthday. Thursday the 19th is Steven’s high school graduation. Tuesday June 7th would have been Jared’s 45th ...
Our husband heard us and we miss that. Most widows would agree the death of your husband is a profound moment in the journey of life here on earth. It literally upends the trajectory of life as you knew ...
We all look forward to Holidays and National observance days, because for most of us it means a day or two off work with pay. Most people take these days to relax, rest, or spending time traveling with family. Today ...
I remember first learning of National Widows Day during my second year of widowhood. I was on vacation to Maui and I remember thinking it was an excellent spot for such an observance. Our little family had gone to Maui ...
Very few books about caring for widows have been written, but the Bible has about eighty direct references to widows. Widows are mentioned when you read the books by Moses and the prophets, the Psalms, the Proverbs, the four Gospels, ...
This past week while out for drinks with some co-workers one was pressuring me about moving on and dating. When I said I was happy alone they would not stop. I made the point that I was single by choice. ...
Last Sunday was Easter and I was doing everything in my power to make it perfect for my grandma. Every holiday, since she went on hospice, has been this way. In my mind, I think this could be the last ...