It will always be the burnt hot pocket and the meaning behind it that gets me. You see, I burnt my son's hot pocket, I cooked it for 20 mins instead of 2. That's the story we still to this ...
"You don't heal with time, you heal with intention." I remember reading this line in another widow's blog post early on in my grief, and it resonated so deeply with me that I took it upon myself to start intentionally ...
Survival Mode. That horrible period in the first year that no one talks about. Where every thought in my pretty brunette head was overwhelming. I don't mean normal stressful decisions being overwhelming, I mean the idea of 'do I want ...
“Some things are forever.” — Wanda I am a gigantic nerd, and I’m weird. I admit it. I have seen every Marvel Universe movie made, and have watched the television shows produced by the company. A love for these ...
National Grief Awareness Day is today, August 30th. It is supposed to be a reminder of the grief and taking time to heal from loss. It is also a reminder that grief doesn't have an end date. Do the people ...
Since becoming a widow I have become much more aware of grief. I have become personally connected to a handful of new widows in the past year and have been able to reach out to them with an empathy I ...
In honor of National Grief Awareness day, I will share that widowhood pet peeve number 1,376,897 is when someone refers to my late spouse as my “ex.” He’s not my ex, y’all. We didn’t break up. He died. Sometimes the ...
Several years ago I learned about International Widow's Day (June 23rd), a day set aside to recognize the hardships that widows face from loss, that fell one day after National Onion Rings Day. Even after becoming a widow in December ...
This week has been a challenge and I did not handle it the way I should have. I recognize that and own that I made mistakes when it came to my grief this week. Instead of taking on the moment ...
Do you still grieve 7 years later? Yes, I have been asked that question. I will always grieve the loss of Jared. Always. And I will always grieve Steven’s loss. Grieve that my little boy has to know ...