Recently one of my late husband's nurses made the comment, "Elizabeth, I wish you would write a book about all of the wildly insensitive and inappropriate things people have said intentionally and unintentionally to you and your daughters over ...
The Shift of 2019 There is a major shift taking place right now as we come to the close of 2018. I started to feel this shift a few weeks into December. So depending on where you are in “life ...
Today I took my son to the mall so he could buy my Christmas gift. And not because I need a present but because it’s important to him that he has something to give me under the tree. In the ...
I wake up everyday with a heavy heart. It is difficult to feel so sad all the time, especially during the holiday season when it is supposed to be a happy time. I know the holidays are difficult for so ...
That first Christmas after Jared died is a blur. It had only been 3 months. I was so numb. Walking around in a fog. But I was determined Steven would have a Merry Christmas. He deserved nothing less. I remember ...
I hosted a Christmas Bridal Shower today in my, new to me, home. And, as I was cleaning up the kitchen, wiping down silver trays, and soaking dishes, I realized just how fortunate I had been. For almost 28 years you ...
In my last post I wrote about the value of holiday planning and how the choices I made (and didn’t make) affected the outcome of the holidays. Since that first year, I have tried so hard to push through avoiding ...
People assume because I’m remarried, the holidays are easier. That I don’t miss Jared. That I’ve moved on. Nothing could be further from the truth. Being a remarried widow doesn’t ease the pain of losing Jared. Especially at ...
I wish I had a book entitled “Everything You Wanted to Know as a Widow But Were Afraid to Ask” because sometimes I don't know if I'm losing it or if I'm just being human. For instance, lately, I've wondered ...