Grief arrives as does the harsh, unwelcomed winter. We resist the next season of our life Trying to hold on to the familiar & cherished. We cling to our tree of life as though we were a leaf perched to ...
In reflecting during the start of the holiday season, I realized for many widows (including myself) it’s a hard, lonely time while desperately attempting to hold onto past hopes and future dreams. Holidays bring up many traditions, some lost ...
His things My mom asked me last weekend if anything in the hallway was good or if we could start getting rid of it. I said it is all good. Truth is that stuff is my great grandmothers’ things we ...
This past Friday, my new husband and I were married in the Church. As a practicing Catholic, getting married in the church was very important to me. It was a small, intimate ceremony with just our closest family and friends. ...
For years my grandma has gotten depressed around Thanksgiving we all knew it was because it was my grandfather’s favorite holiday. Years past and then it became her being grumpy was because it was the last time, she saw my ...
My late husband's birthday was just the other day. It was the 4th such occasion since he passed. I will honestly say that it has gotten a little easier each time, but it still can be a difficult day. What ...
Hey Kiddo! Grief sucks and it is a thing I wish none of us have to go through. Throughout the years I have gotten to know Death and Grieving like an old family acquaintance and these are 10 things I ...
Today is Children’s Grief Awareness Day. I frequently write a blog for this specific day. I usually write it from the perspective of a widowed, solo mom raising a grieving child. But this year, I thought it would be better ...
This is the third version of a post for the week. I like the other two, but it just didn’t feel finished or right. Today I got to see my stepson it has been over a month since I last ...