Last week, a former student of mine messaged me from across the country and asked how I was doing. AND, she wanted to send me some of her homemade jam (or marmalade--she’s going to surprise me). How am I doing? ...
Who knew that widowhood would prepare me for a pandemic? Many are wondering how will I survive? Is it OK to eat cereal for dinner? What am I going to do with all this time to myself? ...
I was really good at that - breathe, be, let go, space. What I wasn’t good at was engaging with the “dust” before it settled or getting sucked into reaction. There’s a lot that’s transpired in science, medicine, technology. psychology, ...
The death of anyone you can't imagine living without teaches you an astronomical amount about life, love, and loss. Prior to experiencing the passing of my husband, I couldn't fathom just how much the pain of that loss would teach ...
For me, Holy Week is bittersweet. This time of year always makes me miss my late husband even more. Easter has always been a special time in my family. And not having him here to celebrate this holiday is difficult. ...
Reduce Your COVID-19 Anxiety By 65 Percent I’m interrupting my continuation of “Three Inspirational Women I’m Looking To in 2020” post, to share a therapeutic music hack for COVID-19 related anxiety. I don’t know about you, but the ...
The last 6 years have been a journey for me. A journey into grief. A journey of survival. A journey to living. And on this journey of widowhood there has been much to learn. I've learned that I'm stronger ...
There are a lot of feels that come rushing to the surface when you realize you are growing older without your spouse. 22. A year that Dakota will never get to know me. He won’t get to see who I ...
I wrote drafts for this blog at the end of February and beginning of March, but nothing I wrote then is relevant now. The world has changed completely. I am on high alert. I am supposed to be telecommuting, teaching ...
When my late husband died, being busy became one of my coping mechanisms. Always somewhere to go, something to do. Downtime meant time to think. And I definitely didn’t want that. For the last 6 years, I have kept ...