It’s been almost two years since my husband passed away and I’ve not touched anything on his side of the closet. Other than the few sweatshirts of his I’ve worn, it’s remained exactly how he left it. Including the clothes ...
Recently, my son celebrated his 16th birthday. The sixth one without his father. Birthdays are now so bittersweet. I hated that he had to celebrate his birthday in quarantine. So we arranged for friends to line our sidewalk and ...
"I'm sure things will get easier after this first year." I'll take "Phrases that Aren't Helpful" for $1,000, Alex. When my husband died, I suddenly became surrounded by people who thought they knew all there was to know about navigating ...
Mother’s Day. It’s a special day that can be a grief trigger. One where I count my blessings and at the same time feel sorrow for what’s missing. A bittersweet day. As most holidays are now. This year ...
Today is National Widow's Day. And unfortunately, I am a member of that club. A club I never wanted to join. But I am surrounded by some of the strongest men and women I know. We support each other. Lift ...
As I write this, more than 57,000 Americans have died from Covid-19, and the number of Americans grieving for each other grows exponentially. In a country that compartmentalizes death to funeral homes and then largely ignores the entire topic, the ...
Widowhood has multiple challenges. Being widowed while solo parenting is one of those difficulties. Parenting teens is super easy… said no parent ever. Today’s teens face more complexities in their lives than their parents did when they were teenagers. Parenting ...
I never would describe myself as strong. People have told me, "you are a strong woman". But I don't always see myself that way, but I should. I have survived one of my worst nightmares, my lowest low and fought ...
Music has truly been therapy for my heart and soul over the last 22 months. Seth and I loved listening to music together. It started from the first time we met to our final days together. We would always have ...
Spring Season as Teacher By Ajai Blue-Saunders, Hope for Widows blogger Trees I’ve always had this fascination with trees. As a little girl growing up in Ohio, I’d sit in my room which faced the front of our house ...