Happy ever after is what we thought we were getting when we got married. The only problem is we did not get our happy endings. And we started our widowhood journeys. While we all joined this club for the same ...
Fear: Grief's Constant Companion The life of widowhood and journey of grief seem to be inseparably paired with fear. Fear is grief’s constant companion. Fear of an unknown future. Fear that I have lost my identity. Fear of facing the ...
The hits keep coming my dog who I have had for 13 years is starting to have issues. She has been with me through it all. Meeting Matt, falling in love, getting married, and him dying. Through it all she ...
Moving on after the losses we face come with challenges that dating did not have before. There is the ghost in the room. The ghost of the life you lived before. My ghost is all over my home in ...
I thought everything was fine, until it wasn’t. Shortly after my husband passed away nearly two years ago, I realized that envy from family members is a very real thing, and the depth of that envy is more than I ...
Not too long into my own widowhood journey, I noticed something that happens once the newness of our loss has worn off for everyone but us: many of my friends, most of my lovely, wonderful support group had all but ...
When Should I Stop Wearing My Wedding Ring? ….If ever? I look down at my wedding ring and the anniversary band beside it regularly, twirling the diamonds back to their proper centered position. Depending on the day, I either smile ...
For those of you that have been following my journey, you know that moving on has been a struggle for me. About a year after Matt died, I tried and quickly knew I was not ready. In the last year ...
Be patient with my heart it has been through so much. Be patient with my heart it experienced young traumas that hardened it. Be patient with my heart it is broken and is trying to put the pieces back together. ...