It isn’t black veils over gray hair. It isn’t wrinkly hands clasped in front of them standing at the cemetery. It isn’t (always) a 90 year old staring out the window at gloomy clouds day after day. There is no ...
Why do so many say that the second year of grief is worse than the first? Is it the fact that in the first year, you imagine that by the end of that year some sort of former happiness ...
How do I cope with the raw pain of my grief? 18 things that have helped me survive. The other half of my heart and soul “graduated to heaven” about 18 months ago. It is so hard to believe 1 ...
Thursday afternoon after spending the day learning some great things at a conference. Tools that I am going to apply to my life and career. When someone was talking about benefits and the value of giving life insurance, the example ...
We organize and bring order to our lives with time and seasons. We use clocks and calendars, weights and measures, and history and future to mark the places, experiences and events of our journey to make it possible to relate ...
Within the first few months after my husband died, I very quickly learned that grief can be a lot of things: anguish, pain, anger, love, numbness. I mean, there are five stages after all. One word I haven’t heard when ...
The journey through grief is really a trek through transition. This is especially true for a widow. Our life with our husband is so completely different than the life we find after he moves to Heaven. It is an ongoing ...
For no particular reason, my husband Glenn and my father have been on my mind all day. Losing both of you in a matter of 18 months was beyond hard. Today has been a bit rough. It’s been 40 months ...
What do you do when your heart is broken and you don’t feel like you have anyone to share it with? Sometimes the sadness gets you down. We’re not all blessed with those people in our lives we can lean ...
“Year two is harder than the first.” In the early days after losing my husband, Joe, I’d read how the second year of widowhood and grief is often harder than the first. 'Uhh, yea right,' I’d say to myself, usually ...