I wake up everyday with a heavy heart. It is difficult to feel so sad all the time, especially during the holiday season when it is supposed to be a happy time. I know the holidays are difficult for so ...
Do you ever, among the legions of “to-dos” on the To Do List after his death, keep a few to-dos undone…just to let the reminders of his once vibrant, active life pick furiously at the smattering of wounds from your ...
I hosted a Christmas Bridal Shower today in my, new to me, home. And, as I was cleaning up the kitchen, wiping down silver trays, and soaking dishes, I realized just how fortunate I had been. For almost 28 years you ...
"It gets better." Let me begin this post with an honest disclaimer: I never thought I would ever say those words. How does the death of a spouse ever get better? I never would have believed it either. I never ...
Give me all things funny, motivational, wise...you name it! Inspiration on a daily basis especially on social media is a top priority. It is important. It is life-giving. One of these inspirations for me is author, Susie Larson. I mean, ...
I wish I had a book entitled “Everything You Wanted to Know as a Widow But Were Afraid to Ask” because sometimes I don't know if I'm losing it or if I'm just being human. For instance, lately, I've wondered ...
It’s been fifteen months since my husband died, and I have a question… What exactly is my allotted grieving time? Is there a prescribed time limit? Can I access a table of typical grief limits allowed per relationship type? Parent ...
I don’t know how else to say it, but I’m tired of being a widow. I’m exhausted by keeping it all up all the time. I’ve worked hard at creating a life on my own where I’m strong, confident ...
Since Todd’s death, people have told me, "he'll always be with you.” They mean well. They smile, maybe pat my arm and wait for me to nod in agreement. I know these words are a cliche, something to say to someone ...
At 28 years old I was widowed, and at 32 I remarried. If I had a dime for every person who told me I would "rebound" back in my first year of widowhood, I would be able to pay off ...