Over the years, in various blogs, I have shared that my late husband, Bret, wasn't exactly the easiest person to be around. Oh, sure he could absolutely be the life of the party. But at home, with no one new ...
One of the things I hate about grief is how relentless it can be. I’ve learned so much in the four and half years my husband is a resident of Heaven instead of here with me. God keeps sustaining me ...
When you lose your spouse, whether you are a parent or not, there are phrases that you will hear from family, friends and acquaintances. These phrases are spoken out of care and, I believe, an unspoken discomfort in not knowing ...
I fell asleep praying to God in weeps, begging Him to help me because I had just lost my best friend and lover of 24 years, the father of my children, and 75% of our income. My house was a ...
The day I learned the term "Executive Dysfunction", I felt seen. Finally, someone said this was an actual thing, and it wasn't just me being lazy and willfully disorganized. Executive dysfunction is when you have problems with your executive function ...
The stresses and trials of being a widow can really test our faith. It’s the hard times and difficult situations this life brings that show us the strength of our conviction to trust God, or reveal our lack of understanding ...
June, 2024 - 3:46am Why didn’t I say thank you? I roll over and look at my phone. The room is dark and silent, and I’ve got one leg hooked over a pile of clean laundry that’s needed folding for ...
Loneliness – empty, silent, depressing, unwelcome Solitude – peaceful, thought-provoking, nourishing, welcome Being alone during that first year of grief was frightening. I dreaded hearing nothing and feeling everything. In the aloneness I was so aware of my devastating loss ...
I reported for jury duty a couple weeks ago. It’s probably my tenth time in the past 45 years since I was first summoned in my early twenties. However, this was the first time I’ve served that we were allowed ...
Father God created us as unique and diverse people with intricate needs. We are not just people with physical needs. We have a physical body we must attend to, but the fullness of our life is just as dependent on ...