Today my mom wanted to go to the Big E. I really didn’t want to go but I went. There are a lot of memories there from when we first started dating. Tonight, my grip on my grief started to ...
God built us for relationship. He wants to have a relationship with us and created us in His image. It is our very nature to seek out relationships. We depend on our closest friends and family to help us navigate ...
(Inspired by an article written by Mike Sager) It is better to say you’re okay than not, because people just don’t want to hear the truth about death. You think about this person over and over again. At dawn. At ...
When we find ourselves lost, deep in the pain of grief, we often cry out… why? Most widows reach a point when we wonder why God would allow such a thing to happen to us or our family. Our expectations, ...
A few years ago, I wrote a short story about some of the things I felt at the time and some things I thought I may feel in the future as I went along in my life without my husband. ...
I’ve always used the saying not my circus, not my monkeys. But what happens when it is your circus, and your monkeys are running amok? So are the elephants, lions, tigers and bears. The ringleader is crying in the corner ...
Grief is the evidence of love. When you opened your heart to love another person, you gave grief a master key to your heart. Now grief has permission to come and go as it pleases. Grief is a very complex ...
It's so weird when someone passes suddenly. One second they are here, the next, they just aren't. In the hours following my husband's suicide, I found evidence of him everywhere that my mind had a difficult time processing. His phone ...