Ever since I was a kid in school, Sundays haven't typically been a favorite. Sunday meant my weekend was over. It meant an earlier bedtime and getting up entirely too early the next day. This attitude continued through adulthood, but ...
It was like coming across something significant on an archeological dig, that’s how this morning’s discovery felt. I was cleaning out the food cupboard where all the baking needs and oils and such are stored. So many packages have passed ...
As I walk in, I can feel the cold of the room being met with the warmth of the souls entering it. I find a seat and sit down. Staring towards a section of empty seats, I find myself ...
I opened the blinds this morning, and the fog was thick. The deck that sat out my back door was about twelve feet; I could barely see the ending. There was no sighting of the beautiful pond that frequented many ...
Five years ago today, I held Rick’s hand in a death grip. A literal death grip, for hour upon hour. By noon of that day, I realized he was going to die, and he did, at 8pm that night. The ...
Why Don't You Get Out There & Date??? Are you tired of hearing these questions? Why are you so picky What are you waiting for Are you putting yourself “out there” Singles are "singled" out everywhere There is no denying ...
“If we threw our problems in a pile and saw everyone else’s, we’d grab ours back.” – Regina Brett Can this quote possibly hold true for a widow? Initially we are not able to look beyond our own self after ...
One of my new favorite shows, 1883, has the characters saying some memorable lines. But a discussion about grief in the last episode left me sobbing in a way I haven’t in a while. It was that pleasure/pain kind of ...
Grief arrives as does the harsh, unwelcomed winter. We resist the next season of our life Trying to hold on to the familiar & cherished. We cling to our tree of life as though we were a leaf perched to ...
Hey Kiddo! Grief sucks and it is a thing I wish none of us have to go through. Throughout the years I have gotten to know Death and Grieving like an old family acquaintance and these are 10 things I ...