You should be here! The four words I often find myself saying in my head. Simple four little words that go around in my head and can tend to bring emotions and other thoughts to follow. But he isn’t here, ...
June 25, 2020 marked two years since Seth unexpectedly passed away. It also became the day I learned I’d lost my job due to the economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic. What a day. A day I should have spent ...
My husband passed away unexpectedly almost two years ago. He died eight days after Father’s Day. I never would have imagined that would be his last one here on earth. As I sat down to write this post, I found ...
I can’t imagine trying to choose a headstone or a casket in the trauma that comes with death. I have great respect for people who are able to think clearly enough to make those choices. I wasn't ready. In fact, ...
Just when you think you may understand what grief is and what your journey looks like, a wave of grief can move in and bring you to your knees. The waves of grief continue to swell. And, on some days, ...
It’s been almost two years since my husband passed away and I’ve not touched anything on his side of the closet. Other than the few sweatshirts of his I’ve worn, it’s remained exactly how he left it. Including the clothes ...
I never would describe myself as strong. People have told me, "you are a strong woman". But I don't always see myself that way, but I should. I have survived one of my worst nightmares, my lowest low and fought ...
Music has truly been therapy for my heart and soul over the last 22 months. Seth and I loved listening to music together. It started from the first time we met to our final days together. We would always have ...
Reduce Your COVID-19 Anxiety By 65 Percent I’m interrupting my continuation of “Three Inspirational Women I’m Looking To in 2020” post, to share a therapeutic music hack for COVID-19 related anxiety. I don’t know about you, but the ...
I recently wrote about how I was starting to believe I may be a strong solo mom. Then the COVID-19 pandemic happened. Now that we are into week two of this new reality of social distancing, working from home and ...