I knew my husband pretty well, I think. When someone is your soulmate...and he was...I believe I know what he'd say to me about me. He used to say some of these things directly to me, so I'm pretty confident ...
Getting Eaten by Sharks After experiencing the horrible event of my husband’s stroke, my life has changed forever. When John was in the ICU after suffering a massive brain stem hemorrhage, it was constant stress and chaos for me and ...
How A Relaxing Sleep At Home Can Lead To Self Care Sleep is the foundation for self care. That means when you know you need to make yourself more of a priority, it’s important to start with sleep. While ...
Dear Widow, Though the days have come like sudden waves of pain and sorrow, know you are not alone. For those who have recently become widows, you are not alone. Those who have been on this journey for years, you're ...
If you’ve ever given up sweets for a while, you know how satisfying three M & M’s or a single Hershey’s Kiss can be. Or maybe you’ve stopped drinking pop, and when you finally try one again, a few swallows ...
People have said all sorts of things to me in the last two years in efforts to offer comfort. Some have been confusing or inadvertently hurtful, and others held nuggets of truth that have come to make more sense with ...
Maybe we don't talk about the dark days enough. Maybe we don't write about them enough. That early grief, that raw mourning. Maybe once we begin to move forward through our grief journey and time passes, we simply just don't ...
I met someone 5 months after Jerry died. Very unexpectedly. We became friends because I was not ready to think about another relationship. It slowly grew into something wonderful. Now almost 2 years later after meeting him, we are still ...