Sometimes I am angry. Very angry. One of the things with losing the person in my life that knew me the most, my best friend, is that a piece of me literally died with him. It was a hard reality ...
If there was one thing I never expected, it was to ever be single again. I mean, I know divorces happen, but I waited until I was forty to marry because I wanted to be sure that Mr. Right was ...
For the past couple of months, I have been seeing all the “Ten Year Challenge” pictures. It has made me think a great deal about 22 year old me. So much so, that I dug through old photos trying to ...
So many of the adjustments we face as widows are about handling a multitude of responsibilities alone: living on a single income, making home and car repairs, raising children. All serious business. Even more serious is the solitariness of spirit. ...
People claim that time heals all wounds. I respectfully disagree. There is value in time. There is value in the wait. There is value in the belief that everything happens at just the right time. I believe that, too. However, ...
A Widows Purpose When I first became a widow, I questioned everything. Of course I did. How could this happen to me, to us, to them? We were reeling out of this devastation after only 12 weeks from the first ...
Lately I can not escape the magnificence of the sunrises and sunsets. I wake up to gorgeous red and pink rays streaming through my plantation shutters. Invariably, wherever I am, at the end of the day, the sky is on fire. I ...
There are small, delicate moments scattered in each day. Moments that make life livable. Moments that remind you that you need to take a deep breath. That all your breathing and existing up to that point has been rapid, shallow, ...
"The Towel Hug" One day, while I was getting out of the shower and grabbing my towel, I was feeling the weight of widowhood worse than usual. Instead of drying off right away, I wrapped my towel around my upper ...