Sunday will mark the sixth Father’s Day we have celebrated without Jared. I count my blessings that my son was able to celebrate 10 Father’s Days with his dad. But somehow that doesn’t feel like enough. 10 years that have ...
I can’t imagine trying to choose a headstone or a casket in the trauma that comes with death. I have great respect for people who are able to think clearly enough to make those choices. I wasn't ready. In fact, ...
Losing the man you love isn’t for the faint of heart. It’s H-A-R-D! You lose your partner, the person you chose to become one with, and quite often the person with whom you created children. Recovering from that loss takes ...
Tonight my heart aches. Aches in a way words cannot describe. Aches for a man who’s been gone for far too long. And lived for far too short a time. On Sunday, my late husband would be celebrating his ...
Just when you think you may understand what grief is and what your journey looks like, a wave of grief can move in and bring you to your knees. The waves of grief continue to swell. And, on some days, ...
A previous blog described how one of my former students gifted me with a selection of her homemade jams. What I left out of the story was my initial reaction to the package: I couldn’t open it. I had looked ...
In my 2077 days since I started this widow journey, I have learned so much. Death, grief, and survival have taught me more than I can write about. I have learned I am blessed to have those who are ...
Y’all, do you see that adorable little girl graduating from kindergarten? Isn’t she just precious!?!? Well, that adorable little girl has turned into this beautiful young lady. She is smart, hard working, and witty. I can’t even believe that she ...
It’s been almost two years since my husband passed away and I’ve not touched anything on his side of the closet. Other than the few sweatshirts of his I’ve worn, it’s remained exactly how he left it. Including the clothes ...
Recently, my son celebrated his 16th birthday. The sixth one without his father. Birthdays are now so bittersweet. I hated that he had to celebrate his birthday in quarantine. So we arranged for friends to line our sidewalk and ...