Sleep is such a precarious yet precious thing. We need it to function, feel terrible when we don’t have it and trying to get it is like trying to find gold in the desert. I used to be such a ...
Facebook reminded me of a memory that was a turning point in my grief. In September 2016, I flew to Brazil for work. And I was advised to not wear any valuable jewelry. So for the first time since ...
Anger is the greatest motivator because it’s limitless. When discussing the stages of grief, psychologist recite the five stages of the Kubler-Ross Model: Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression then Acceptance As most of us who are widowed now know this model ...
There is a deep loneliness that encompasses my soul lately. It is similar to a shadow that follows you on a partly sunny day. It's always there. I'm keenly aware of the sunshine. But the longing for my husband and ...
Over the past couple of weeks, I have had a writer's block of sorts… Or maybe more of a writer's flood… Or perhaps a mental flood is the best way to put it. My mind is filled to the brim ...
Last week, my eldest daughter’s boyfriend texted me that he wanted to meet me for lunch “soon.” He also asked me for my Father-in-Law’s phone number. We set up a lunch date near my office. Anyone with half a brain ...
I recently began my journey into year five of this widow life. And so much has changed from that first year. And some things will always remain the same. When I think of my late husband now, I ...
As my life moves forward, I realize there will be an entire group of people that never knew Jared. People who came into my life after his death. People who never had the pleasure of calling Jared friend. And I ...
Forrest Gump's mother was certainly wise with her iconic life lesson "Life is like a box of chocolates you never know what you are going to get" I have found that the grief process has been exactly like a ...