71 months today. Which means in 4 weeks, it will be 6 years. How is that possible? So much has changed. And yet, so many things have stayed the same. 71 months today. Steven starts 11th grade. His ...
For I know the plans I have for you declares the LORD, plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11 I spend a lot of time hiking which allows me ...
My life has taken a major turn over the past few weeks, to say the least. I have found myself in many different situations I didn’t see coming and they have all been very positive and have made me…. well, ...
When my husband died, I was devastated. Absolutely devastated. I had no idea how I was going to survive. Wasn’t even sure if I wanted to. There were times I wished I had died with him. I had no idea ...
I have found myself in somewhat of an identity crisis over the last several years of this life I didn't create for myself. How do I walk forward and find my path and my purpose in this life? Is it ...
One of the scariest parts of grief for me has been the overwhelming vulnerability. When my husband first passed away, it was like my body was frozen in time: my emotions, my tears, and my heart were just numb. ...
I am more than just a widow. If I had a dollar for the number of times I was referred to as a widow, or "you know, the one whose husband died," I think I could buy myself a beach ...
People tell me you are so strong, I don't know how you do it. My response to them is I didn't have a choice. When someone you love more than life itself dies, no one gives you the choice to ...
We are halfway through 2020. And as I sit here at my weekend retreat watching the sun shining through the trees and hearing the river flowing so peacefully, I am reminded to count my blessings. This has been a ...
This has been a hard month. It is a busy month for work as well as there are so many triggers in the month of June. It has been three years and yet June is still a hard month. It ...