Anger that I did not get my Happy Ever After. Anger that I only got eight years. Anger that this life is really my life. Anger that I was not there in his final moments. Anger that I did ...
Are you feeling especially lost right now? The days are so short and the weather is cold. The absolute disorienting nature of our deepest grief and loss can leave us feeling even more vulnerable and alone. After Christmas blues can ...
Everything falls on our shoulders when we are widowed which means spoiling ourselves a little should as well. Or at the absolute bare minimum, self-care must become a huge priority in our lives. I have always been someone who has ...
I am a workaholic and would rather be at home alone than go out. To move on and start dating I am trying online dating. And it has not worked in my favor yet. When I first got this brilliant ...
New Year same grieving Widow. As I sat alone in my house nursing my spiked eggnog watching a romance movie that ended up not being the happy ending type of movie and bawling my eyes out as I felt for ...
Christmas morning, I wake up in my house alone. Just the cat and the dog are with me. A strange feeling passes over me. One of longing. Christmas has not felt like it used to since 2020. Yesterday I was ...
The holidays are always a difficult time. I feel the loss of my late husband so much deeper this time of year. It doesn't matter how many years it's been since he died, I always wish he could be here ...
CW: Suicide/Suicide methods My husband died by suicide. All loss is painful, all deaths break hearts. Deaths by suicide, however, are more than painful; they are also taboo. I am nearly five out from that utterly devastating day and in ...
In the darkness was the woman I was before Matt died. The woman he fell in love with. Someone I forgot I was until it was pointed out to me that I was avoiding so much of the person I ...
A few months back I read a post from a widow that inspired me. There are a lot of people who write about the importance of acknowledging gratitude and counting your blessings… and this is a very good thing to ...