Helping Young Children Grieve My oldest son had just turned five years old when his Daddy died. Daddy didn’t feel quite right when he woke up on Mommy’s birthday, and rested as if he were dealing with what we ...
The Curse of Comparison Since you became a widow, have you ever struggled with comparing yourself or your life situation with that of others? Do you see families around you and wonder why you are the one that lost your ...
Letting Go “Letting go.” Two words that sound so simple to accomplish, but yet confuse me. I’m not sure I even know exactly what real, honest and true “letting go” looks like or feels like on a grief journey. ...
It is so hard to be a Solo Mom while grieving the sudden devastating loss of my husband. I am so mad at grief. It steals so much from us. It takes the moments we have shared with our ...
Let’s Think Differently About How To Help A Widow I think that so often we are taught by the people and culture around us to help those grieving losses in the same predictable ways. Condolence cards, meals, calls and visits ...
What is the hardest day of your week? Every week without fail the hardest day in my grief is Sunday. With Saturday as a close second. Weekends are especially rough because a lot of traditional work schedules provide weekends ...
The 8 Worst Comments During My Grief & What I Wish They Said As we all make our way along this journey through grief, I’m sure you, like me have found that not all people intending to help you ...
From So Overjoyed to So Overwhelmed I always knew that life was filled with tests & trials, ups & downs, mountain top joys and sorrows in the valley, but knowing I had my husband as my constant seemed ...
Messy Mornings: 3 Choices I Have Each Day Early in my personal grief journey, sometimes one of the hardest times of the day was freshly waking up. A healthy deep sleep seemed to whisk me away into some sense ...
Who is that lady?.... I’m not her anymore. Scattered throughout my home are lovely photographs of the life I lived, loved, and lost. Hilarious moments as a so in love young couple and pair of new parents. Our first chances ...