What’s On Your Mind? I wonder if there is something on your mind right now that I can help get answered for you - whether through my own experience, someone I know, resources or articles I’ve come across. I ...
Finding the Right Pair of Jeans I have found that finding the right therapist is analogous to the process of finding the right pair of jeans. It’s an arduous task and the hunt can seem endless and take years. Each ...
"It gets better." Let me begin this post with an honest disclaimer: I never thought I would ever say those words. How does the death of a spouse ever get better? I never would have believed it either. I never ...
I wish I had a book entitled “Everything You Wanted to Know as a Widow But Were Afraid to Ask” because sometimes I don't know if I'm losing it or if I'm just being human. For instance, lately, I've wondered ...
Since Todd’s death, people have told me, "he'll always be with you.” They mean well. They smile, maybe pat my arm and wait for me to nod in agreement. I know these words are a cliche, something to say to someone ...
The first holiday season without my husband was a bit of a train wreck. It all began with Halloween - my first major holiday as a widow. I remember walking into a craft store and being horrified by the display ...
Hey guys, your father died a little while ago, I said tearfully into my phone. Never thought I'd ever had to hear myself say those words so soon. Fathers are supposed to live to be grey-haired old men, yelling at ...
A young man asked if I was married. This is a typical question I get when I have conversations with strangers or people who don’t know my story. Often times it's women or older people. They see me without a ...
Anger is the greatest motivator because it’s limitless. When discussing the stages of grief, psychologist recite the five stages of the Kubler-Ross Model: Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression then Acceptance As most of us who are widowed now know this model ...
There is a deep loneliness that encompasses my soul lately. It is similar to a shadow that follows you on a partly sunny day. It's always there. I'm keenly aware of the sunshine. But the longing for my husband and ...