Suggestion: See a counselor/therapist/psychologist/life coach/spiritual guide/ whatever you may call it, seek them out. If the first, second or third said guru does not help, it’s not you, it's them. It is a process to find a helper that actually ...
Emotions have always been difficult for me, I would be the first one to admit it. I can tell you how I should be feeling in a way that made sense by a textbook definition and I would usually leave ...
Lots of people will do things for you initially. Suggestion: Try to realize that act was more about them dealing with their own bullshit or fear, or worried about their karma, than actually doing something because they are a ...
“Knowing what you know now would you do it all over again?” The short answer is YES. The long answer is Hell YES. I would stop and ask a stranger for directions because that is how we met and he ...
…as a Widow. First things first, I highly recommend this! As someone who absolutely loves to travel, the first vacation I took post loss was incredibly healing. I went with a good friend of mine, and our daughters, so I ...
How I went from Wife to Widow to Happy I will always be my late husband’s wife. His legal documents all say as much, including the final ones. As of 3:11pm on February 11, 2018, however, I was no longer ...
Own your grief, but don’t let grief own you. You’ve been through hell on Earth. You’ve endured a loss only few can comprehend. You get to cry whenever you feel like it, for whatever reason. You get to be a ...
“When you die and I move to Finland**” is often heard in the house where I live. Always from the friend I live with to her husband of 10 years. It is always said rather matter-of-fact and casual; “babe take ...
When my husband passed suddenly at the age of 32, I was quite pregnant with our second child and was a stay at home mother to our then 18 month old. Despite being an intelligent and capable 31 year old ...
I never really felt comfortable with the word “widow”, I guess I’m not really supposed to, right? Like, who wants that word to describe who they are? But it does describe an aspect of who I am. Actually, now I ...