I’m going to share something that every widowed parent knows. Solo parenting sucks. Being the only one twenty-four hours a day seven days a week without an end in sight. And yes, I have amazing friends who would do anything ...
I was really good at that - breathe, be, let go, space. What I wasn’t good at was engaging with the “dust” before it settled or getting sucked into reaction. There’s a lot that’s transpired in science, medicine, technology. psychology, ...
I was talking to Rick today when I microwaved a sweet potato for my lunch. Yes, I had a sweet potato, and nothing else, for lunch, because I live alone, I’m stuck here, and lately I find myself either too ...
I’ve been thinking about my healing journey. It is 2.5 years later and my pain can still be so gut wrenching. It has changed and shifted and maybe isn’t as raw as it was in the beginning but there is ...
For me, Holy Week is bittersweet. This time of year always makes me miss my late husband even more. Easter has always been a special time in my family. And not having him here to celebrate this holiday is difficult. ...
In the early weeks of life without Dakota I was engrossed in things that took up all of my time. Planning a memorial, arrangements with the funeral home, trying to figure out a slight idea of what my ...
When I first fell in love with Keith, I knew what was happening. I knew what the connection was, and I knew that even if I only had one day left on earth, he was the one I’d want to ...
Waking Up to New Reality You open your eyes and look at the clock. You slept well and murmur a quick “thank you” because you’ve learned through many sleepless nights to appreciate the blessing of a good night’s rest. It ...
I wrote drafts for this blog at the end of February and beginning of March, but nothing I wrote then is relevant now. The world has changed completely. I am on high alert. I am supposed to be telecommuting, teaching ...
When my late husband died, being busy became one of my coping mechanisms. Always somewhere to go, something to do. Downtime meant time to think. And I definitely didn’t want that. For the last 6 years, I have kept ...