At the YMCA pool every weekday morning at 5:30am you can find 4 people. The lifeguard, 2 lap swimmers, and me. You can also find near silence. Aside from the swish of the water and the hum of the pumps, ...
The short answer is YES. We do. Just like National Widow’s Day, it’s not something you hear about until it affects you. I wish that would change. Grief awareness is desperately needed in our society. If the nature of grief ...
Making decisions as a widow is exhausting. Already, our emotional stores are spent, and we are physically exhausted from poor sleep. Some decisions are practical ones like checking a bank balance before paying a bill or choosing Raisin Bran over ...
There has been a handful of moments in my life when I felt really, genuinely happy. I'm not talking about the kind of happiness that fluctuates on a day to day basis depending on what activities you have planned or ...
Can We Please Stop: Dreading going places where people might feel sorry for us? Girl, sit alone if you want and read your book. Go to a movie by yourself or dinner. Go to the party where you know it ...
Some days I just don’t want to. I don’t want to leave the house. I don’t want to follow through on obligations or promises. I don’t wanna anymore. When I feel this way, I wish someone would yank me out ...
In one week, my new husband will arrive here in Florida. We will no longer have two homes, in two different states. We will no longer have a long distance marriage. We will finally be a married couple, living under ...
Rick and I were married on July 12, 1997. He died one month after our twentieth anniversary. This Friday will mark the second time I’ve spent our anniversary alone. In a way, it’s almost the third time, because on our ...
You turned 38 last week but instead will forever be frozen in time at 36. Some days I feel like it was just yesterday that our world got turned upside down, and others it feels like it's been ages. The ...
August 13th, 2019 will mark twelve years since my husband, Ali, passed away. It's still hard to believe it's been more than a decade since he left this planet. I still remember details of the day he closed his ...