Next month will be a year that Jerry is gone. I am going through this month keeping busy subconsciously, because I think I need to avoid the triggers. It was this month last year that Chemotherapy started, and how horrible ...
The Beginning I have been in Tampa, Fl since New Year's Eve. It was imperative for me to wake up here because this is what I did at the end of 2016 going into 2017. I've had to establish a ...
Cam was the one who taught me how to peel oranges. I remember spending an entire weekend at his Dad’s doing nothing but having orange peel offs. Our hands smelled of citrus for weeks. Honestly he always had a slight ...
Hiding Your Grief You’re not being “dramatic” for crying despite losing your husband a year ago. No one has the right to tell you when to "get over it”. The people calling out your pain are probably the same ones ...
How are you grieving? People should ask that instead of “How are you doing?" when the person they are addressing has lost someone. ...
This blog post may seem a bit all over the place, however; bare with me. I have a lot of thoughts in my mind at this moment. As I sit in my condo looking out the window on this Christmas ...
Gratitude – is a choice, a practice and an attitude. It is a practice to be thankful and show appreciation for and to return kindness. A simple, easy, positive action which can change so much in a person’s life. Gratitude ...
Around this time of year, newly grieving people (and some seasoned veterans) start looking for help, answers, any sort of guidance that they can find on how to handle the holidays now that one of their most precious people is ...
Moment By Moment We have 19 days left in this year and I must admit time flew by yet at the same time moved slowly. I have been having some rough moments a lot more, I've realized that I can ...
We all do it-- at least we think we do it. But, breathing is also something we usually do not do very well. We usually breathe without giving it any thought. To truly benefit from breathing, we need to give ...