Everything changes when you are stripped of your life partner. Nearly every widow feels desperately alone in spite of the fact losing a spouse is almost a universal experience. There is no way to prepare for the devastating impact this ...
Widows face challenging social life changes in the wake of the loss of her husband. Making the adjustment to life after a spouse dies is filled with many endings and beginnings of relationships. This is a reality that is not ...
The month of May brings a mixture of complex emotions. On May 1, 2015, my husband died at 10:30pm at a local hospital after resting (sedated) there for only 3 days. The memories of that day and time are still ...
When we are in the throes of deep grief, it's tough to imagine how anything else, ever, could be worse than what we are feeling. Pain and grief feel incredibly isolating. They are deceptive as well - even when others ...
God’s consistent love and guidance is a gift we can count on in this very uncertain and difficult world we live in. As widows, no matter how fresh our sorrow is, or how long we already traveled with grief as ...
There’s a gremlin called grief and it pops up in the most inconvenient times. Couple holding hands in the store? No emotion. Walking past the camping isle in Walmart? Emotional breakdown. The gremlin called Grief doesn’t care if it’s been ...
Navigating Mother's Day Mother’s Day is coming. In the view of those whose lives have not been acquainted with a loss of this magnitude and the stabbing pain of grief that follows, perhaps to them mother’s day is a ...
He stood in line waiting to place his order at the fast-food restaurant. The line was long, full of seemingly hungry boys and girls, men and women all waiting to eat during a busy lunch time. The smell of the ...
The loss of a beloved partner is devasting and when my husband, Monty, was killed I wanted answers. Almost two years later, the answer to my initial question of “WHY?” is still elusive. After the widow’s fog lifted, even more ...
What is a Glimmer? Glimmers are small moments of joy or peace that arise from appreciating simple things like the colors of a rainbow, the scent of a flower, or the sound of the rain. Glimmers and triggers are opposites in ...