Do you ever wonder if…instead of him…it had been you? Instead…I was the one with the out-of-nowhere terminal diagnosis and the slow, painful progression toward my early death in my 40s with so much I wanted to do and see ...
The other day I was chatting with someone I had not seen in many, many years, since my husband’s funeral in 2015. In attempting to catch up on years of experiences gone by, I had to quickly determine what version ...
2021 was my first year without Matt after nine years of knowing him. I am not going to lie and say that I remember too much of it. Brain fog hit me hard for the first six months of the ...
Today is Christmas Eve. And tomorrow is Christmas Day. Two days that can cause a lot of stress and grief for those who have lost a loved one. And just in case you need it, I’m giving you permission. ...
Every widow has a situation. Every person has a story. There is a common thread among widows,widowers and the grieving is that the holidays can be difficult and they can be lonely. Grief like a lot of things doesn’t get ...
Tonight, I went to the Candlelight service at my church. I have been attending church via zoom since the pandemic started and last year was not in a place mentally to go to candlelight. Stepping back into the church I ...
Christmas is typically my favorite time of the year. Even in my darkest days of grief, I could look at the lights on the tree, the years of memory ornaments and find some peace. This year has been so ...
What is your thought process when you add the numbers 23 and 37 together? Some will say that 3+7 is 10, 20+30 is 50, and 50+10=60. Others will count up from 23 by 10’s three times (23…33, 43, 53) and ...
I feel as though every widow who writes about this time of year writes about the gut punch that is the holiday season without their beloved, and while that’s a deep and visceral truth that I too experience, I thought ...
This second Holiday Season is harder than the first. Last year I traveled to Tampa, so it wasn’t like I was in familiar territory trying to keep up Christmas traditions. This year I’m living in Tampa and decided I wanted ...