Before I became a widow, self-care was an easy term that I used to describe my social outings, spa days, shopping and anything else that I wanted permission to do. In my life, self-care was a practice of joy and ...
Muddle: to act in a confused or aimless way Most days, I’m muddling through. I make mistakes. I forget to do things. I forget when trash day is. Or I just don’t take it out because it’s raining and I ...
Valentine's Day is in the review mirror. For some, this may have been your first V-Day without your person and you are simply celebrating that you made it through without torching the pink and red section in your nearby CVS. ...
IT’S OKAY: EVEN THOUGH IT DOESN’T FEEL OKAY How many times do you look at other people and what you think is their amazing life? And wish you had their happiness? I never wish that I had what someone else ...
Anyone who knows me, knows that I’m not a good liar. I get all flushed and red in the face, I can’t make eye contact and inevitably I stumble over my own words in trying to make up a story ...
7 Ways To Get Back Into The Habit of Living You’ve earned the right to do the bare minimum for the remainder of your life. After all, you’ve been thrown the ultimate curveball. Whether anyone understands it or not, ...
The things people say: People say “time heals all wounds” maybe that’s true. However what they can’t tell you is what the word “time’ means in that statement. I often say“no-one can tell you how long to grieve” and to ...
"The Towel Hug" One day, while I was getting out of the shower and grabbing my towel, I was feeling the weight of widowhood worse than usual. Instead of drying off right away, I wrapped my towel around my upper ...
Table for One, Redefined: My Guide to Minimalist "Cooking" Trying to cook in my first year of grief was baffling. I used to find joy in cooking/baking and creating a dinner atmosphere for two. I also clearly remember that ...
Christmas is just one week away. Whether you have decided to experience a little holiday gumption, try out some holiday planning, or tune out the day altogether (I completely understand), I want to share my treasured go-to anxiety hack with ...