His death and eternal absence left a gaping hole that would never be filled. That is what we knew would happen. That was what we expected to happen. What we didn’t know or expect, necessarily, were the short and medium ...
“If we threw our problems in a pile and saw everyone else’s, we’d grab ours back.” – Regina Brett Can this quote possibly hold true for a widow? Initially we are not able to look beyond our own self after ...
I have long suffered from Anxiety. This week I started to listen to Brene Brown’s new book Atlas to the Heart. I am going to be purchasing a hard copy of the book it is one that I think I ...
Radical acceptance. I have learned as a widow that we are all walking around with wounds no one will ever be able to see. I’ve also learned as a widow that all I’ve ever wanted is for people to just ...
When Matt died people thought that I was mad at God for what happened. I wasn’t. One of the things that I remember clearly from going to the hospital was yelling it was not supposed to end like this he ...
Happy New Year! I stayed up until midnight and watched the celebrations on TV. My house was quiet grandma fell asleep around 10:30 would wake up for a minute or two and then go back to sleep. I found myself ...
Do you ever wonder if…instead of him…it had been you? Instead…I was the one with the out-of-nowhere terminal diagnosis and the slow, painful progression toward my early death in my 40s with so much I wanted to do and see ...
I had an opportunity recently to learn a valuable lesson I hope to remind myself again and again throughout the year. Setting the scene This past week I was locked out of my car in the late afternoon on a ...