When grief is at its heaviest and we are lost in it, it is so hard to imagine a light at the end of the tunnel. It can become very easy to just get lost in the dark. So ...
When I gained the unwanted title of widow, I also gained the unwanted title of single mom. Correct that—solo parent. And I say I’m a solo parent because even 20 months after Seth passed away, I still don’t feel like ...
I’ve never been depressed. I was always proud of the fact that through all of my mental health issues I could confidently say ‘I have never been depressed’. Don’t get me wrong, I have felt depressed. I am a ...
A dream can tint my entire day. I’ve never had trouble remembering them either, and if I have time, I write them down. But, before this week, I rarely dreamt of Todd--maybe once a month. So many nights, I have ...
Recently I met a friend for coffee, and she asked me, “what do you miss the most about Seth?” I was speechless for a second because, 1) no one has asked me that and 2) there was only one answer ...
When my husband died, the dynamic in my little family changed dramatically. We were a tight-knit family of 3. My daughter is an only-child, so she went with us wherever we went. Even as a teen, she was usually happy ...
Well, I’ve done it. Made it through a full calendar year without my dear husband here by my side. I remember on New Year’s Eve last year, as 2019 arrived, I was filled with such dread and sorrow. It was ...
Today is my 15th wedding Anniversary. I have to take a deep breath here. For this one in particular, my seventh without Mike, has hit me especially hard. As I inch closer to being widowed equally as long as we ...
By Guest Blogger Sofia Tannenhaus In June, my husband and I embarked on a once-in-a-lifetime 6-week vacation to Greece, Spain, and Italy. He had earned a sabbatical, I was on summer break from teaching, and we were ready to start ...
For two years now, Todd has been the first thing I think of when I wake up in the morning and the last thing I think of when I fall asleep. There is always an awareness that he isn’t with ...